"A Stick is the solution to all your problems"
It never occurred to me how true this saying is. A stick. Any stick. It can be a tree branch, a wooden paddle, or even ... yeah, that. A stick IS the solution to all problems.
... and the cause of them too.
Maybe I'm pondering useless stuff now 'cause it's my last day at work. I shall not return to this sanctuary of doom 'till next year -- if the new year's bullets don't get to me first, that is. Still, I would like to think that coming January I shall be posting again from this place/corner of the world; posting what will be my 2010 predictions (which I suck at but it's still fun to post them), wobbling between English-Spanish just because I can, and with more pics of pandas 'coz, let's face it, that's why you're all here for.
So, here is to the new year, the holidays (holidaze), and the turkey we're gonna eat. Here is to the tamales, champurrado,calientitos, and the parties with old and new friends. Here is to the waking up next to a complete stranger on January 1st. Here is to opening presents you don't like on Christmas. Here is to opening presents you love (and you know you love them because those are the ones that (a) you choose and (b) you are giving for yourself). Here is to the holiday music you love and then hate three days later. Here is to depression, melancholy, home-sickness, and the holiday blues. Here is to all those who are far from our hearts and those who are close and are so blind they cannot see. Here is to all those good friends who stick by you through good and bad. Here is to all those foes you respect. Here is to all the hard work, the play time, the pornographic scenes, and the tenderness that 2009 left in your skin. Here is to surviving yet another year. Here is to drinking. Here is to smoking. Here is to a healthy living. Here is to all your pets. Here is to your family, close and distant.
.... but, I think the most important one of all..
Happy Holidays!
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