The “SCARE THE DICKENS OUT OF US” Short Story Contest 2010
Sponsored by the Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library in Lockhart, Texas.
First prize, $1000.00 and a trophy.
Second prize, $500.00 and a ribbon.
Third prize, $250.00 and a ribbon.
Junior contest prize $250.00 and a trophy.
Download contest entry form here.
Download junior contest entry form here.
Second prize, $500.00 and a ribbon.
Third prize, $250.00 and a ribbon.
Junior contest prize $250.00 and a trophy.
Download contest entry form here.
Download junior contest entry form here.
Entry fee $20.00 (check or money order).
Junior contest entry fee $5.00 (check or money order).
Junior contest entry fee $5.00 (check or money order).
The Scare The Dickens Out of Us ghost story contest and the Junior Scare The Dickens Out of Us ghost story contest share identical rules except the entry fees and the following: Junior contest writers must be age 12-18. Winners will have to provide proof of age.
All publication rights remain with the author.
The contest is a Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library fundraiser and is privately funded. All entry fees go to the Friends and are used for library projects.
The “Scare The Dickens Out of Us” Short Story Contest is in conjunction with the annual “A Dickens Christmas In Lockhart” which is held on the first weekend in December (Friday night, Saturday) in Lockhart, Texas.
We want ghost stories. Any genre, any tone, any subject, whatever type of ghost story you can come up with.
1. The contest is open to published and unpublished writers alike. All publication rights remain with the author.
2. The ghost story must be 5,000 words or less, in English, and typed double-spaced. Entries must be original and unpublished. There are no other restrictions.
3. Only one entry per writer.
4. The judging will be done in a blind format. Do not put your name or any other identifying information on the manuscript itself except for the name of the story.
Download, print and submit our entry form. The information will include the name of your story, the author’s name, address, phone number, and email address, where you heard of this contest, and your permission to have your story read out loud at a literary gathering if you are one of the winners.
5. Your manuscript and entry fee must be mailed to us at P.O. Box 821, Lockhart, TX 78644 and must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2010. We will accept entries beginning July 1, 2010.
Winners will be contacted at contest end. Winners also will be announced at the “A Dickens Christmas in Lockhart” festival in December, and will be posted at our web site www.clarklibraryfriends.org.
No manuscripts will be returned. Keep the original copy. At the end of the contest entries will be shredded.
Send your manuscript with entry form and entry fee to “Scare The Dickens Out of Us” or Junior “Scare The Dickens Out of Us” Short Story Contest, co/Friends of the Library, PO Box 821, Lockhart, Texas 78644. Make out your check or money order to Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library.
Administrators of the contest, the judges of the contest and the immediate family members of the judges are ineligible to enter this contest.
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