GREAT NEWS!!! Tenshi had her baby!A boy. He was born on the same day as this panda (September 1st) and is the new addition to the Office via blood relation to a member... jajajaja!!! Congratulations to the Tenshi girl!! We hope the best for this kid and we hope to meet him soon. Planning a road trip to visit next December.
Saturday was the Hamburger palooza party. It was held at Miss Suky's house. We had invited 20 people with the idea that 15 where actually going to consider the invite and then 6 would show, which was actually the truth of the matter. Hamburgers + Beer. Anecdotes were told, revelations where said. In all, I think we had a good time. It's cool to spend the evening with good friends. I think my sister had a good time with them too. Talked about the time we took them pictures for Balleres class! Man! Good times! Good times! Listened to the Beatles' records. Yes, I said RECORDS. I have the Beatles' collection of 16 vinyl LP and the record player to play them, so I took them to the party. Apparently, the fact that they are played on a record player makes them sound "soulful". What do you think? Tony, one of my friends, even had an almost-but-not-quite orgasmic experience when he heard "I am the Walrus" in full blast on this thing. The party lasted 'till 4 in the morning, at which time everyone went home. Next morning I was like a battery operated horse that need batteries! Sleeping everywhere!
This week paints to be a good one. I got rid of the nails for the week and plan on having my fingers rest for a while. I'm also planning a party with the monkey possee next 12th. I'll report about that all in good time! ^___^
Can't wait 'till the season premiere of Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy!!!!!
And here are some yummy pictures for all you ladies out there! enjoy!

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