On Monday, the meeting with teachers to show them how the new on line system would work took place. In the morning it was a packed house, and I was v. happy to see that most teachers were grateful for the opportunity -- not many have approached me to answer or clear the questions, right? But hey! I'm where for when they need it. So, in the afternoon, however, teacher absence was pretty much noticeable. Out of 30 teachers giving class in the afternoon, only 17 showed up... amongst those who failed to show was Mr. Marco.
After the meeting, the head guy asked me if I could stay because the Foreign Commerce teachers were going to have a meeting and they wanted to see if I could help them in some issues concerning foreign languages. I said sure, I'll stay... and as they started to point out the needs of the dept., it came to me on how Marco had bitched and complained about his idea of giving administration classes in English and how the principal and the coordinators had told him "later". So when it came time to ask me if it was possible for us as a dept. to give them some tutoring so they could give some of the commerce and administration classes in English, I suggested to give a full module in English in Business Use and Lingo AND that I could see if the BEC test was available through my International House channels. They where all thrilled with the idea.
I don't know if someone has already told Mr. Marco about this... but I'm pretty sure he's going to be not at all happy about it. I mean, he will say that it was his idea in the first place... and that he should be the one giving the class. But (a) he is not qualified/certified as an English ESOL teacher, and (b) he does not have the time to give the class. Plus, I think that the BEC exam will do more wonders for Administration students (and Commerce as well) than TOEFL does.
We'll see what develops on this part of the novel --- tomorrow at 9 in the morning.

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